Looks like the Notacon website has updated the speaker list and there looks to be some really good talks so far. Here is the list from the Notacon 6 website and blog post:
Time To Replicate The Real Threat: Client Side Penetration Testing
CG & g0ne
Interactivity with Arduinos, Transducing the Physical World
droops & Morgellon the Lowtek Mystic
Fun With The MSP430 MCU
Travis Goodspeed
Hacking Light – How we came to love Holga and Other Stories of photo hi jinx
Jeon & Treize
“Pilates” for Common Cubicle Injuries
Michele Martaus
Super Jason Scott Presentation 64
Jason Scott
Programming The Sega Genesis For Mad Profit and Crazy Mad Profit
Hacking Cognition
Tottenkoph & Selkie
Intro to Go
Jason Viers
What is Notacon?
Notacon is one of the most unique conferences you will ever attend! Notacon 6 is April 16th – 19th 2009 held in Cleveland, Ohio. Notacon explores and showcases technologies, philosophy and creativity often overlooked at many “hacker cons”. Registration is open!