Wireless Security

802.11 Attacks Whitepaper

Foundstone always puts together great research and releases great tools. The other day Foundstone released a whitepaper describing all of the new and old 802.11 (Wireless) attacks. The paper gives some really good information about AP Impersonation, Rogue Access Points, Implementation Attacks (WEP, Dynamic WEP, WPA/WPA-2 cracking, including the Cafe Latte attack). The paper even

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Wireless Headset Dangers

I was listening to the latest Security Now podcast and Steve Gibson mentioned an interesting social engineering attack where some penetration testers were able to pose as employees just by listening to conference call and other telephone conversations across the street from the company facility. They used a police scanner dialed into the 800-900 Mhz

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Steal Schneier’s Wifi

I was in total dismay when I read the recent commentary by known security expert Bruce Schneier about how he leaves his home wireless network open..yes, meaning no encryption..wide open free wifi generously donated to the neighborhood by Bruce. While I understand some of the points he was trying to make I started to really

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WiFi flu?

Interesting post about a viral router attack…with so many unencrypted wireless access points (including ones with WEP) this is seeming more and more like a future possibility. From the article: “Historically, the vast majority of trojans, worms, and viruses have targeted the (Windows) PC. Attack and propagation methods may have grown more sophisticated, but the

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