Maltego 2.01 Released

Looks like the fine folks over at Paterva have released version 2.01 of Maltego. If you don’t know what Maltego is…look here. Check out some of the changes and new features. From the announcement:


* Copy and paste to/from graphs
* Copy and paste to/from text
* Above can also function as “import”
* Zoom to pointer
* Looking glass zoom mode
* Added notch on slider that will return 10,000 entities (if your RAM can stomach it)
* Brought back “Run All Transforms” – you asked for it!
* Cancel transform run (e.g. i clicked on the wrong transform and it’s taking forever while my graph is turning into a green mush, can we please stop this now)
* Easier Mac install


* Authentication proxies now works (including NTLM)
* Cancel on entity export (small annoying fix)
* Transform manager window resizes properly (useful for those on E^3s)
* The dreadful save bug has been fixed (if you never saw it count yourself lucky)

In addition they note the in the upcoming 2.1 version they will be allowing local scriptable transforms! I am really looking forward to this feature as the custom transform creation process will hopefully get a whole lot easier.

Note that the main download page doesn’t have the new package yet so if you want it now you need to get the download links from the forum post here. I would expect the main site updated later today.

Also…the crippled “community edition” is still on the old version for now (updated shortly I am sure). By the way, it’s only $430 USD for the first year, $320 USD per year thereafter for a license of the commercial version…well worth it!

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